Friday, February 1, 2008

Blog Change

Hi Everyone, I am going to block my blog in a few weeks. Please e-mail me at to be invited. I am sorry for the inconvenience of this whole thing. Please don't feel silly e-mailing us we would love for all of you to be invited. The e-mail address I have provided is not our everyday e-mail address so if you would like that too just let us know. Thanks for your patience. I do promise for a new and exciting blog.


Payne Family said...

Hey Mindy, I added you to my sight. I am horrible on this and am going to be better I promise. But I just saw your blog and it is cute. I love you tons. Heather

Nicole S said...

Mindy, Thanks so much for the well-wishing. Everything turned out ok and Trent got out of the hospital today finally at 4:30. You are always so incredibly thoughtful and have a unique gift to feel for other people. I'll be emailing you my email.

Matt and Amanda said... :)

Miller Family said...

Mindy! I just found your blog thru Heather's (which I found about 5 minutes before that!). It is so fun to hear what you have been up to and to know you are doing so well. I live on the other side of the country now so blogs keep me connected to home. If you don't mind, put me on your list so I can say "Hi" from time to time.

The Kennedy Family said...

Hey Mindy! It's your cousin Lindsay. I actually thought your blog was private for some reason. I even asked Steph for your email to send you an invite to mine!
For sure send me an invite!
You guys are a cute family!
Love, Linds

Anonymous said...

Am I in the twilight zone again???? where did all of your posts go?

Mindy said...

Becky you have to go to my new blog

p-diddy said...

Hey! This is Paige. i am 1 of courtney's kids. check out my blog sometime!

Kaspar said...

Hey Mindy! It's been forever! How are ya? Make sure ya add me to your list so I can check up on you ;o). You're adorable!

Kaspar said...

Hey Mindy! I got your invite. Thanks! How are you doing? You look wonderful!