Monday, December 10, 2007

7 Years

Just a little plug for my great husband!! Yesterday was our 7 year anniversary. It has been great and never longing for adventure. We have had a lot of fun. He is wonderful. I know I am not the best at showing him praise but I do love him and think that he is amazing in so many ways. He is the best Father. No really I truly lucked out in that area. Ask all my sisters. He has shown me a whole new way to look at life. His smile melts my heart and hugs can calm even the biggest storms. I love him more then this blog will ever give me the chance to express. I am so lucky. You are my everything. I love you James!!!


steph j. said...

Min, You do have a really great husband, and he is a wonderful dad. the picture look cute too!

Ann said...


I just found your blog. Thanks for your comment a while back! I would have commented back on your blog, but your name didn't come up as a link for me--I mean I couldn't click on it and have it bring me to your blog. Do you know what I mean? Whait. Maybe you didn't have a blog at that time...That's probably it. Anyway, I'm glad to see that you have started one! Happy Anniversary!

Shauna said...

It was so fun hearing from you! What a wonderful surprise. Happy Anniversary a little late. Wow, I still can't beleive you found me. I have thought about you a lot over the years & have wondered how you were doing. It sounds like you are doing great which makes me happy. There is so much I would like to catch up on you with you. It is just hard doing it through a blog because of personal info.,etc. For now though I am excited to keep in touch with you this way. Does your family by any chance live at the same address as you lived in highschool? If so, I could send you my e-mail address, home address, etc. & then you could exchange your info. with me. Take care & I am so excited to be back in touch with you (have I already said that like 10 times?). Shauna